Inner Finn HugMugs

Drinking Vessels and Bowls

“I use my Hugmug every single day for my coffee just can’t enjoy my coffee in any other cup” 

- Jaci 

From my hand to yours, slip cast porcelain cups, mugs, beakers and bowls. Take a moment for yourself, cradle a mug in your palm whilst you relax with a drink, sip a little something as you unwind from the day. Make the small moments special.

My cup designs were born in the peace and quiet of a snowy Finnish winter. My signature mug is the HugMug - so called because you will want to pick it up with both hands. The shape comes from overlapping silhouettes of the trees I walked past, many times, on the edge of a frozen lake in Hämeenlinna. The beaker takes its shape from a tree that I used to gaze at through the window of my tiny flat, whilst working on my designs. Decorated with gestural marks, originally inspired by bare branches against the white snow and sky, each piece is a different response to my mood and the moment.

My style is toward tactile products that look good and feel exquisite in your hand. I pour my perfectionist streak and attention to detail into them, sanding and polishing each piece by hand between and after firings so that it soothes you when you touch it.  

I choose to decorate the surface of the mould with coloured porcelain using gestural marks rendering each piece unique, each piece an expression of the mood and the moment. The work is finished with a transparent glaze and fired to 1260C. Suitable for use in the oven. Whist piece can be put in the dishwasher I recommend washing them by hand.